Representing: Home Based Business Leads
How to get Your Keyword String to Page One of Google
This will be a brief overview of just how easy it is to get your keyword string to page one of Google. Everyone can do it, if they want to put in the few minutes a day that it takes to do it.
First of all you will need to get a copy of a free Veretekk Silver system and upgrade it to Gold. This will give you the most advanced SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tool on the planet, bar none.
But before you convert from a free Silver account to a Veretekk Gold account you MUST call me, or your sponsor, to find out how to create and obtain a SEO friendly username, which should be a keyword string of 5 words or less with no spaces between the words.
It would also be helpful to take the training How to configure your Veretekk Gold system, found on this page.
You Need to Go to A program such as wordtracker which counts the top 100 hits per day of the kewords that you enter. You need to start out with a guess on a keyword string of 5 words or less, and achieve the goals that I have laid out below. (For the purposes of all of the Wordtracker searches, you will need a space between each word.) It is better to get No hits per day on the entire keyword string than thousands, because if it is 100's or thousands you will not be able to compete for page one on Google. These are guidelines, if you are more sophisticated and do multiple blogging, article writing news release posting ezine advertising or other Uber techiques it would be fine to attempt a Google search size of 30 or 40 million. (That is a Google search of your keywords not an adtracker search).
ALWAYS test your Adtracker results with a real live search for the keyword string on Google, with a space between each word, unlike how your URL's will look.
WordTracker/Google Research Goals
1. At least a few hits on the entire string (8 in the example)
2. Fewer than 15 million hits for the same key word on a normal Google Search (21,400,000, too many so I elected to add the word free to the string which resulted in 4,320,000 hits per day in the top 100,which resulted in no searches in the primary string which I accepted, relying on the power of the substrings)
3. Some to thousands of wordtracker hits for sub strings of your main keyword string, such as business leads (112), home business leads (8), free leads (203), leads (4838), free leads online (9) etc. Veretekk portals allow for entering 6 keyword strings or words, one of which should be your name. The first keyword should be the entire keyword string, but it quite often will not fit, then break the words down between the first and second keyword so that you get the entire string in that way, then put in your other prolific keywords and your name, and, take the class.
The point of all of this study is that you need to find a phrase that is actually searched for on Google, but which is not SOOOO popular that you are going to have to compete with large corporations in order to get to page one, which won’t happen as they have more financial resources to promote than you do.
Configure Your Traffic Portals, see the class above, but in overview, you will have A SPOT FOR YOUR ad TITLE and AD DESCRIPTION. For the ad title, simply enter in your keyword string. For the Ad description only enter in your keyword string and your name and handle. These are used by the hammer on each traffic portal to gather captured leads, (cpt leads). It has nothing to do with SEO.
Next: You need to Enter in the Title Tag, This is your keywordstring. Then enter your Meta Description which is your title and a few words about your business on Google.
Then Enter your Meta Description: Only your title tag and your Name and your handle.
Finally enter your keywords
Keyword one should be your entire keyword string if it will fit. If it does not fit, put the whole word portion or logical break into Keyword 2. Put the sub keyword strings or individual words into keyword slots remaining through keyword slot 5, then put your name and handle if it will fit into keyword 6.
Companion Web Page
Actually you need to check to see if a companion URL is available on the Internet BEFORE you upgrade to gold. You need to get a companion Internet URL that has the SAME name or at least CONTAINS the Gold username keywords. Get that URL and hopefully, host it on Known Host, as they help you without question and are a great hosting site. Then you need to set up a page there with either your primary business or a Directory or Subdirectory to promote Veretekk, Crazy foxes, 200 Blueprint or NPN or preferably all of the above. This you can do as you can have as many directories and subdirectories as you wish, but that is a later class.
I can show you how to use a simple draw in code to put Crazy Foxes, NPN, any other affiliate link or any website up that will have on that site the most important things: The same title and the Same meta data as you have on each of your Veretekk Gold portals, and you as the author. There are different strategies as to the content to be placed here, but if you are brand new I would not promote a primary business here until you have built up your premium leads. Use the site to promote Veretekk and crazy foxes instead.
If you cannot get the same exact URL on the internet website try getting something like MYusername, UsernameONLINE, where username is your Gold Veretekk keyword string and the capitalized words are sample other words. The important thing is to try to add only one additional word to all of the words in your gold Veretekk string.
There are classes on this subject as well that I will provide or give classes on how to do it. If you are a member of a Platinum Control Panel, you will only have to provide the URL of the page that you wish to be linked. Always provide a link to this website, directory or subdirectory or all of the above from every one of your traffic portals.
There are classes at Veretekk on all of the parts that I have just touched upon and I will be posting more classes at the same link that I gave you above for my training.
Thumbnail, on How to get your keyword string to page one on Google.
It is not Rocket Science; it is committing to do some simple things on a daily basis, sick time allowed, also your spouse’s birthday and normal family things.
Take it Slow and Steady Formula
This method, depending upon how difficult your keyword string is can get to page one on Google within 3 to 6 months. After that you can back off of the daily ideamarketers requirement and do it weekly or even monthly.
A. Post to your RSS Feed Daily.
1. Always use you keyword string as the title tag
2. Write at least two paragraphs of keyword rich text which contains your entire keyword string and sub strings or words contained from within your keyword string.
3. Include at least one if not two hyperlinks to either your website or your Veretekk portals. Write how to articles on something that you have learned from crazy foxes, Veretekk, NPN or on a topic of making money on the Internet. You are trying to brand yourself as one who can be looked upon for help in making money on the Internet from a work from home based business online.
4. Do not promote your Primary Business. Be collegial and talk about things that will help others make money on the internet.
5. Close your blog with a salutation which is a hyperlink to your links on your website. Call it MY Links. Start building this directory by posting all of your Veretekk Gold portals there with FTP. Then establish a process whereby you can record all the links that you post to ANYWHERE on say a word document, which you periodically post on your site.
6. The salutation should include your Name, your phone number, your Skype, and your email address and a link to your primary URL, I recommend trying the Crazy Foxes affiliate link.
B. Convert your RSS feed to an Article and post it on Ideamarketers.
1. Remove all hyperlinks.
You may leave the links there but they cannot be active. Join and post daily at Ideamarketers. See my classes on this subject.
This has been an article to introduce you to the process needed to get your keyword string to page one of Google. The advantages of which should be obvious. People searching your keywords find your page on page one of Google; click on it and bingo they are on your business or lead capture page. As a side note, I will be publishing some code in the near future on how to cloke any affiliate site to put your Title, Meta data on the Affilliate site, which usually can not be brought to page one of Google. My Links
Lonny Heiner
Mentor, Trainer
Skype: leheiner