Splash Pages Not Spider Friendly
Did you know that most affiliate programs that give you a free splashy web page are replicated pages, and that search engines simply do not like them? Did you know that it is probably impossible to get one of these pages recognized enough to bring it anywhere near the first 7 top pages of Google? With these pages, you can not insert your Keywords home based business leads into the title tag, and you could not make the Meta tag "read Blastomatic will allow you to acquire home based business leads free online" at Google. In fact, most of them do not let you change the content in any way; your page says the same thing that everyone else in your affiliate’s pages says., and it looks the same as well.
Free Web Pages for Search Engine Marketing
One viable cure for the venerable Splash page crippling for SEO purposes is to get your own Free Web Pages site and put a lot of very useful keyword rich content on that page, which you then promote to the Search Engine Spiders. That page would have a link to your crippled splash page for leads capture purposes and the operating functions of your particular affiliate, whatever they are. Since you control the free page, you can then control the Title and insert your keywords home based business leads, make the Meta tag read "Blastomatic will allow you to acquire home based business leads free online" at Google.
Using Free Pages From Veretekk
Any one may use Free Web Pages to generate free websites for themselves.. All Gold members of Veretekk, have their own copy of Free Pages, and offer them free to others to use for their own Internet Home Based Businesses. To use Free Pages to create a free website, first fill out the form which asks for your user name. This username is the actual Name of this website and you will need to have a unique username for each website that you create. It will be needed later if you wish to edit this page. Enter a login password of your choice, does not have to be unique to this page. Now enter the Title Tag, Maybe home based business leads here. Enter an optional Meta tag, "Blastomatic will allow you to acquire home based business leads free online at Google", description and the Meta tag keywords, home based business leads.
Page and Link settings
Next you will have options for the Text colors (Optional), Background colors (Optional), Background Image (Optional), Link color choices (Optional) and Visited link color choices (Optional).
A Section is provided where you enter in the information required for the placement of three links on the bottom of your Free Page. These are the Link addresses and the Link Titles. This is a very nice feature.
Body of the Website
You must enter HTML code in the box provided for the body of your website. If you want to just enter plain text, simply include a line break code of
to create line breaks where needed. NOTE: Gold Veretekk subscribers, you can use tracking code from your VereTracking system in this code. You will have a much nicer looking website if you either use html if you know it, or if you get yourself a free or purchased WYSIWYG html editor. Enter your keyword rich content in this section and any links to splash pages that you own, and you are on your way. My pages are sprinkled with home based business leads, Lonny Heiner. Mentor, Trainer. Or using pipes homebasedbusinessleads.
Create as many Free Pages as you Need
Build as many relevant sites as you need, all pointing back to the site that you are promoting for search engine recognition. Make sure that you build a spread sheet or have a system to keep track of the username and password of every page, so that you can modify them as you need to with the passage of time. This information is emailed to you whenever you submit a page. Make a practice of always filing them in a folder where you can find them later. Also, each time that you create a page, submit it to Google and other relevant search engines of your choice.
Mentor, Trainer
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