Configuring your Veretekk Gold system
The Veretekk Gold system is not Complicated. The single most
important thing to do with your new gold Veretekk system is to
configure it properly, and that is a simple project. Configure one
portal then do all the others the same way.
a good keyword phrase. First, use a good
Keyword suggestion tool like word tracker,
to search for keyword phrases. Do not initially go for one word
keywords, as you are not yet qualified to do the things necessary to
get your keyword to page one of Google. Find keyword phrases that are
less than 5 words long which have reasonable searches on Google.
Once you find a Keyword phrase that you like, go to a place
such as
to search for a domain name which has that keyword phrase contained
within the URL. For instance, I was looking for a URL that had the
phrase “Home based Business leads” in it, and that
particular phrase is not available, but,
was available. I selected that one because the phrase that I was
looking for was contained within theURL and Butch Hamilton’s
phrase “About leads”
was also in the URL. Once you have a phrase and a matching Domain, you
are ready to continue configuring your Veretekk Gold System.
Portal MarketingGo to portal
marketing and click on your first portal, 1st Classifieds. Click on the
second black bar across the top with the white letters, Configuration.
A red/black panel will come up and within that is a drop down menu.
Click the drop down word configuration.
Scroll down to Category and select Business, or if appropriate
for you, some other category. Now, type in your key word phrase, (i.e.
Home based business leads in the AD title text box. Type your keyword
phrase for the AD content, enclosed with a pipe at the beginning and at
the end of the phrase. (The uppercase symbol above the Enter key, i.e.
Home based business leads) Type your Name and your Name tag such as
down to the Title Tag
Type in your key word phrase, i.e. Home based business
down to the Meta tag (Description)
Enter one or two sentences which contain your keyword phrase,
the word Google and say what the portal is about. Example: Home Based
Business Leads portals generate home based business leads for your
home based businessZ on Google.
Enter the Keywords, one of which is your Name
Do not use the Pipe in any of the keyword text boxes!
Home based business
Home business
Home business leads
Business leads
Lonny Heiner
Update Config.
The hard part is now done—Configure the other 41
portals the same way and start blogging with your RSS Feed under
Yes, that is the nuts and bolts of the configuration process.
Now the blog will keep the pages active with the RSS Feed from your
personal Blogfather and the Spiders will keep coming to see the new
Lonny Heiner
Skype leheiner
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