Hello Everyone, and Welcome to Lonny’s Platinum Control Panel
Wow! What a system, and to think that there is time for a serious non knowledgeable Silver or aspiring Silver Veretekk System user to be able to take advantage of the Platinum offer. The platinum system literally enhances a persons Veretekk gold account many times, and for now at no additional cost to you. During this Beta period I will accept new gold members in my downline into my Platinum Control Panel, configure your system and enhance it. But you must commit to writing a blog every day in return.
The Offer
Obtain a gold system under me and I will put you into my Platinum control panel, configure your system and invoke the Platinum Bells and Whistles. YOU COMMIT to writing a Blog per day and being part of my Mentor program, learning the Gold Veretekk System. Just join as a new gold member and let me teach you the Veretekk system while I initially, or long term, your choice, manage your Gold Veretekk SEO system.
To join as veretekk silver, I suggest that you call me first, so that I can explain to you how to do it effectively and how to gain maximum leverage with the username that you sign up under. Let us talk, and then let us do some keyword searches on Google to see what username will best accomplish your individual goals with an Internet home based business on Google, generating home based business leads. We might as well work together to get you set up correctly from the beginning, right? My phone number is 360-202-0738 . My email address is below in my signature line. Also feel free to go to the site referenced under my signature line and just look around, I think that you will be inpressed at some of the things that you find there.
A Third Leg
You May also join my Blueprint primary business, which has a blueprint, or daily directions on how to acheive first, $200 per day and then more as you develop the skills. It is completely managed and laid out for you to succeed. You focus on the Blueprint side and I will focus on getting your Leads generating and site traffic generating tool humming. My upline, Hiram Carrington is managing that side of this triangle, Platinum CP/Gold Veretekk/$200Blueprint system and he is also available to help you as well as a forum which is extremely active.
Lonny Heiner
Mentor, Trainer
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